DASC - Data Access & Support Center
The Data Access and Support Center (DASC) was created by the State of Kansas Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Policy Board. DASC maintains and administers access to the Kansas GeoDatabase - a collection of various digital spatial information relating to Kansas. |
GOS - Geospatial One Stop
A geospatial information portal containing thousands of metadata records and links to live maps, features, catalog services, downloadable data sets, images, clearinghouses, map files, and more. |
KGS - Kansas Geological Survey
The Kansas Geological Survey, operated by The University of Kansas, conducts geological studies and research to collect, correlate, preserve, and disseminate information leading to a better understanding of the geology of Kansas. The KGS website provides links for several spatial datasets including shapefiles for oil and gas wells, historical water data, and geologic maps. |
NWS - National Weather Service
The National Weather Service is a component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and provides weather, hydrologic, and climate forecasts and warnings for the United States. The NWS produces several data sets that are available through the National Weather Service GIS Data Portal including shapefiles, KML/KMZ files, and web mapping services. |