City of Hays / Ellis County Web Map Services
The City of Hays and Ellis County provide free electronic GIS data available as web services. The data may be viewed in an internet browser, but in order to query or overlay the data with spatial information from other sources, you must use appropriate client software.
A variety of client software packages are commercially available, both free viewers - lightweight programs designed to view, overlay and execute simple data queries; and paid license software, which are typically more robust programs for developing map content and designing cartographic layouts.
Below you will find links to free data viewers and help documents detailing how to connect to and view our web services. Please note, beyond the help documentation found on this page, the City of Hays / Ellis County does not provide any technical assistance relating to configuring or connecting to web services.
For futher information on the distribution of electronic GIS data, please review the City of Hays / Ellis County Electronic GIS Distribution Policy.